Consulting: Let us help solve your problems – strategic, operational, or specific issue oriented. We can help with image issues, morale problems, disciplinary issues, and getting on the right track. We offer an independent and unbiased view based on decades of problem solving experience and have the expertise to serve as an independent outside member of interview panels during the promotion or hiring process, or as public safety consultants during the STMP process for municipalities engaged in that process. We also offer comprehensive executive search services designed to find & fit the best candidates for your public safety positions. We're very pleased to be affiliated with Keystone Municipal Solutions with regard to police consulting and internal affairs matters for their municipal clients.

Policy Development & Training: Are you looking to keep up to date on best practices, develop policy on an emerging issue in policing, or get some input on resolving an issue? Do you need an independent review or are you looking for a resource to develop and produce training programs for policy implementation, management & supervisory topics, or operational aspects of law enforcement? We have designed & delivered training that provides CLE credits for attorneys & CLEE credits for police officers, as well as PMGA credits for elected & appointed municipal officials.

PLEAC Accreditation Services: Do you want to get started on the road to professionalism, or maybe you are already there and want an independent view? We can help a little or a lot, depending on your needs. We have a network of experienced accreditation managers and assessors who can put you on track for PLEAC accreditation, help with re-accreditation or advise on the process. Give us a call!